Interlibrary Loan (ILL) and Document Delivery

The Interlibrary Loan service supplies documents to libraries outside Spain for research purposes.

ILL can be requested for all the material from our holdings having been classified as available for loan according to our library loan policies.

Requests from libraries outside Spain

Before requesting materials, for the first time libraries outside Spain must register for an account. After receiving confirmation of registration, requests can be made by submitting the form available for this purpose.

ILL Fees

Payment method for libraries outside Spain is by means of IFLA vouchers.

  • Standard fees for European Union
    • PDF copies (up to 40 pages): 1/2 IFLA voucher
    • Loan - per volume: 1 IFLA voucher
  • Standard fees for libraries outside European Union
    • Copies PDF (up to 40 pages): 1 IFLA voucher
    • Loan - per volume: 3 IFLA vouchers

Please note that these fees can be adjusted depending on the reciprocity services agreed between institutions.

For more information about vouchers, please visit the page IFLA Voucher Scheme.

Information and contact

If you need more information about this service, please do not hesitate to contact us.