Libros electrónicos - Otros títulos suscritos por la USAL

En la siguiente tabla se relacionan algunos libros incluídos en bases de datos suscritas por la Universidad que pueden ser de interés para nuestros usuarios.

Harper, Marjory Adventurers end Exiles: The Great Scottish Exodus
Jones, Steven
Mackenzie, Cameron A. Battle for the Bible in England, 1557-1582
Cook, Bernard A. Belgium: A History
Black, Jeremy Britain Since the Seventies: Politics and Society in the Consumer Age
Marx, Tzvi C. Disability in Jewish Law
Jamieson, Alan G. Faith and Sword: A Short History of Christian-Muslim Conflict
Esposito, Anna [et al.] Fundamentals of Verbal and Nonverbal Communication and the Biometric Issue
Russell, Jeffrey Burton & Lumsden, Douglas W. A History of Medieval Christianity: Prophecy and Order
Feener, R. Michael [et al.] Islamic Connections: Muslim Societies in South & Southeast Asia
Goldsmith, James Lowth Lordship in France, 500-1500
Goldsmith, James Lowth Lordship in France, 1500-1789
Pernis, Maria Grazia & Adams, Laurie Schneider Lucrezia Tornabuoni de'Medici and the Medici Family in the Fifteenth Century
Finlay, Richard J. Modern Scotland, 1914-2000
Schultz, Tanja & Kirchhoff, Katrin Multilingual Speech Processing
Pittock, Murray Road to Independence: Scotland since the Sixties
Boia, Lucian Romania: Borderland of Europe
Pérez, Joseph The Spanish Inquisition: A History
Fichtner, Paula Sutter Terror and Toleration: The Habsburg Empire confronts Islam, 1526-1850
Ferriter, Diarmaid The Transformation of Ireland, 1900-2000
True History of the So-called Artemidorus Papyrus
True History of the So-called Artemidorus Papyrus. Supplement
Young, Robert J. An Uncertain Idea of France: Essays and Reminiscence on the Third Republic
Reay, Barry Watching Hannah: Sexuality, Horror and Bodily De-formation in Victorian England
Caporale-Bizzini, Silvia (ed.) We, the "Other Victorians": Considering the Heritage of 19th-Century Thought
Young, Petey
Writing and Presenting in English: The Rosetta Stone of Science


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